Effective September 21, 2023, discount codes for local pickup will no longer be active.

For customers that wish to PICKUP their order in Glenpool, Oklahoma, please check out on the website and immediately email, text, or call our customer service team to let them know you want to PICKUP your order. 

Our customer service team will REFUND your shipping fee and schedule your package pickup. 

At checkout, please add "LOCAL PICKUP" to the note field of your order. If this is NOT added to your order and our Customer Service is closed at the time of your order and/or you did NOT contact them to notify them of the local pickup, your order will be shipped. 

For assistance with ordering, please contact our Customer Service. 

Customer Service Line:

918-313-0200 (call or text)
Monday thru Friday – 9AM-5PM (CST)

Customer Service Email:

Expect response within 24hrs (except on holidays). Contact us by phone if immediate assistance is needed.